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Hello, world!

Today we're going to talk about a cool bundle of 3 technologies on the frontend side:

  1. Nuxt - a Vue-based web framework using web application architecture best practices
  2. GraphQL - client-server data exchange technology
  3. TypeScript - static typing to make fewer errors

I think you can figure out how to install Nuxt, Apollo GraphQL and TypeScript:

npm i @nuxtjs/apollo --save

Read the to install TypeScript in your Nuxt project or enable the "Use TS" option when creating a Nuxt project in the CLI.

Let's discuss - how to make a deep integration of GraphQL and TypeScript types.

Let's set it up

First, let's create a file gql.d.ts in the root of your project:

declare module '*.gql' {
  import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql'
  const content: DocumentNode
  export default content

declare module '*.graphql' {
  import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql'
  const content: DocumentNode
  export default content

Now TypeScript will know what the GraphQL files are. Next create the following folder structure for Apollo:

- **mutations**      // folder for .gql mutations files
- **queries**        // folder for .gql queries files
- *.graphqlconfig* // our GQL config
- *schema.gql*     // auto-generated schema